Copyright 1984-1998 FileMaker, Inc. HBAM2016AUG95 Pro 3.0 FUNCTIONINVERSION FPTHA HBAM3016AUG95@ serial-close serial-control serial-datawasreceiv serial-getportnames serial-open serial-receive serial-restoresituat serial-send serial-setdispatchsc serial-toascii serial-version nknown 0an unexpected TCP/IP error ( AppleTalk is not enabled ( TCP/IP couldn't be initialized (:the manually set TCP/IP address is configured improperly (Jthe TCP/IP address is already in use or an address could not be obtained ( ; This file is created and used by FileMaker Pro for TCP/IP access. ; It should contain one IP address or host name per line. ; Lines starting with a semicolon are ignored. FileMaker Hosts Local Hosts Specify Host...:FileMaker host name is limited to 32 zondag maandag dinsdag woensdag donderdag vrijdag zaterdag januari februari maart april augustus september oktober november december 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 10/15/99 FUNCTIONCATEGORY FUNCTIONDESCRIPTION FUNCTIONID Function Overview Function Details Function Details (work) Function OverviewB FUNCTIONINVERSION FUNCTIONMAC FUNCTIONNAME FUNCTIONSYNTAX FUNCTIONWIN GNUMBER gNumberB FunctionNameB FunctionMacB FunctionWinB FunctionDescriptionB FunctionSyntaxB FunctionIDB FunctionCategoryB FunctionInVersionB Function DetailsB Plug-in Function OverviewQ To MenuW Function Overview Print` N.A. = Not Applicableb Categoryp*See also the User Manual for more details.s 1999 Troi Automatiseringt details Function Details (work)B Plug-in Function SpecsQ OverviewW FunctionZ Print` N.A. = Not Applicable Namee Parametersf Descriptiong 1997-1999 Troi Automatisering Serial-Versionf |Example usage: External(Serial-Version, "") will return "Troi Serial Plug-in 1.0". Important: always use this function to determine if the plug-in is loaded. If the plug-in is not loaded use of external functions may result in data loss, as FileMaker will return an empty field to any external function that is not loaded. Note: This function is also use to register the plug-in. nonej Serialu Serial-GetPortNamesf Troi FM Plug-in Function SpecsQ OverviewW FunctionZ Print` N.A. = Not Applicabled Namee Parametersf Descriptiong Wini! 1997, 1998, Troi Automatiseringl Categoryn Function InVersionx FunctionID Serial-Openf Opens a serial port with this name and the specified parameters. Parameters: portname: the name of the port to open, switches: (optional) specifies the setting of the port like the speed of the port etc. Result: Returned result is an error code: 0 no error $$-50 paramErr There was an error with the parameter $$-108 memFullErr Ran out of memory $$-97 portInUse Could not open port, the port is in use $$-4210 portDoesnotExistErr Port with this name is not available on this computer $$-4211AllPortsNullErr No serial ports are available on this computer Other errors might be returned. Example usage Set Field[gErrorCode, External("Serial-Open", "COM2 | baud=9600 parity=none data=8 stop=10 flowControl=DTRDSR flowControl=RTSCTS ") ] will open the COM2 port with a speed of 19200 baud and the specified options. -> See also the User Manual for more details. Returns the names of all serial ports that are available on the computer. Parameters: no parameters, leave empty for future use. Result: The returned result is a list of serial ports that are available on the computer that is running FileMaker Pro. Each available port is on a different line. On a Mac a typical result will be: Printer Port Modem Port On Windows the result will be: COM1 COM2 COM3 COM4 Use this function to let the user of the database choose which port to open. Store the name of the chosen port in a global field. You can then check the next time the database is opened whether the portname is still present and ask the user if he wants to change his preference. If an error occurs an error code is returned. Returned error codes can be: $$-108 memFullErr Ran out of memory Other errors might be returned. -> See also the User Manual for more details. none, leave blankj Serialu portname | switchesj Serialu Serial-Closef Closes a serial port with the specified name . If the portname parameter is "" ALL ports are closed. Parameter: portname: the name of the port to close Result The returned result is an error code: 0 no error the port was closed $$-4210 portDoesnotExistErr port is not available on this computer $$-4211 AllPortsNullErr No serial ports are available on this computer $$-108 memFullErr Ran out of memory Other errors might be returned. Example Usage This will close the COM3 poB Set Field[ gErrorCode, External("Serial-Close" , "COM3") ] This will close all open ports: Set Field[ gErrorCode, External("Serial-Close" , "") ] portnamej Serialu Serial-Receivef Serial-Sendf Sends data to the serial port with the specified name . The port needs to be opened first (See also Serial-Open). Parameters portname: the name of the port to send data to, data: the text data that is to be sent to the serial port. Result The returned result is an error code. An error always starts with 2 dollars, followed by the error code. You should always check for errors when sending by testing if the first two characters are dollars. Returned error codes can be: 0 no error the Receives data from a serial port with the specified name . The port needs to be opened first (See Serial-Open). If no data is available an empty string is returned:"". Parameter: portname: the name of the port to receive data from Result The returned result is the data received or an error code. An error always starts with 2 dollars, followed by the error code. You should always check for errors when receiving by testing if the first two characters are dollars. Returned error codes can $$-28 notOpenErr The port is not open $$-108 memFullErr Ran out of memory $$-50 paramErr There was an error with the parameter $$-4210 portDoesnotExistErr Port with this name is not available on this computer $$-4211 allPortsNullErr No serial ports are available on this computer $$-207 notEnoughBufferSpace The input buffer is full Other errors might be returned. Example Usage Set Field[ gResult, External("Serial-Receive" , "Modem port") ] This will receive data (CCfrom the Modem port. -> See also the User Manual for more details. portnamej Serialu Serial-SetDispatchScriptf Sets the Dispatch Script to trigger when data is received. If you give an empty parameter "", the Dispatch Script is removed. Parameters: filename: the name of the file with the Dispatch Script, scriptID: this indicates the script to be triggered. waitforstring: (optional) wait for this string of characters before triggering a script. scriptID can be either scriptkey=x or scriptname=.... scriptkey=x : the key number in the menu of the Dispatch Script. x must be in the range from data was send $$-28 notOpenErr The port is not open $$-108 memFullErr Ran out of memory $$-50 paramErr There was an error with the parameter $$-4210 portDoesnotExist A port with this name is not available on this computer $$-4211 AllPortsNullErr No serial ports are available on this computer $$-207 notEnoughSpace The output buffer is full Other errors might be returned. Example Usage Set Field[ gResult, External("Serial-Send" , "Modem port| So long") ] This will CZsend the string "So long" to the Modem port. -> See also the User Manual for more details. portname | dataj Serialu Serial-DataWasReceivedf Returns 1 when data was received on a serial port. Use this function to see if this is an event that needs to be handled. Parameters: no parameters leave empty for future use. Result The returned result is an boolean value. Returned is either: 0 no data received 1 data was received in the buffer When this function returns 1 you can get the data with the function Serial-Receive. Example Usage If[ External("Serial-DataWasReceived", "") ] Perform Script [Sub-scripts, Process DaBzta Received Else ... do something else Endif -> See also the User Manual under Dispatch Scripting for more details. none, leave blankj Serialu Serial-RestoreSituationf 0-9. scriptname=name: the name of the script to trigger. Not available for FileMaker 4. under Windows. Result: The returned result is an error code. An error always starts with 2 dollars, followed by the error code. You should always check for errors. Returned error codes can be: 0 no error the Dispatch Script was set $$-50 paramErr There was an error with the parameter Other errors might be returned. Example Usage Set Field[ gErrorCode, External("Serial-SetDispatchScript", Status(CurrentFileName) & "| scriptname=Read Script | waitforstring=OK") ] This will set the Dispatch Script to the script Read Script of the current file. The script will not be triggered before the string is found. -> See also the User Manual under Dispatch Scripting for more details. i#filename | scriptID | waitforstringj Serialu Serial-ToASCIIf Converts (one or more) numbers to their equivalent ASCII characters. Parameters: ASCIInumber one or more numbers in the range from 0-255 Result The ASCII text Example Usage Set Field [text, External("Serial-ToASCII", "65|65|80|13") ] This will result in the text "AAP" where is a Carriage Return character NOTE You can also use hexadecimal notation for the numbers. Use 0x00 to 0xFF to indicate hexadecimal notation. Example Usage Set Field [text, External("Serial-ToASCIB I", "0x31|0x32|0x33|0x0D|0x0A") ] This will result in the text "123" where is a Carriage Return character and is a Line Feed character Bring the database file that was in front, before the Dispatch Script was called, back to the front. Parameters: no parameters leave empty for future use. Result The returned result is an error code: 0 no error At the moment no other results are returned. Example Usage Set Field [gErrorCode, External("Serial-RestoreSituation", "") ] -> See also the User Manual under Dispatch Scripting for more details. none, leave blankj Serialu Open file Set all globals To Menu To Overview ----- General ------ Check plug-in ----- Documentation etc ------ Print Function Specs Copy Parameters Print this record BeepBeep To Menu Check plug-in Ci0ASCIInumber1 | ASCIInumber2 | ASCIInumber3 |....j Serialu Serial-Controlf Controls the serial port with the specified name . The port needs to be opened first (See also Serial-Open). Parameters: portname: the name of the port to control, switch: the action that needs to be done. This can be either: suspend This will suspend reading the incoming stream of data. resume This will resume reading the incoming stream of data. Note: the buffer will be emptied when the port is suspended. So when you resume only the data received after you resume will be av ailable. Result The returned result is an error code. An error always starts with 2 dollars, followed by the error code. You should always check for errors when sending by testing if the first two characters are dollars. Returned error codes can be: 0 no error the data was send $$-28 notOpenErr The port is not open $$-50 paramErr There was an error with the parameter Other errors might be returned. Example Usage Set Field[ gResult, External("Serial-Control" , "COM1| suspeC4nd") ] This will suspend the incoming stream of data portname | switchj Serialu Set all globals ) = 1 A Open file A4Important: ALWAYS check if the plug-in is available!B)Check if this is FileMaker 4.0 or higher.CQ 1)) < 4 Canceld This file requires FileMaker 4.0 or higherE*Check if the Troi FM Plug-in is available.Fz |("Troi-Version" "") 15 ) <> "Troi FM Plug-in" Troi-Version Troi FM Plug-in ) = 1 Canceld Troi FM Plug-in not found. Please put the Troi FM Plug-in into the Extensions folder inside the FileMaker folder. Also enable all the plug-ins under the application preferences. Canceld Troi FM Plug-in not found. Please put the Troi FM Plug-in into the SYSTEM directory inside the FileMaker directory. Also enable all the plug-ins under the application preferences. Print Function Specs ) < 601 Copy Parameters Cancel Do you want to copy the parameters?B+ ) = 1 ----- General ------ ----- Documentation etc ------ Print this record BeepBeep To Overview ) = 2 Helvetica Geneva Arial Times New Roman Monaco Courier Times Futura Courier New Palatino ) = 2 k{k|w [=g\gYg\.T g\c[_]c\ozc\g\[]g\c[o{c[g\[\g\24 OYBw* _ZkZ[ZkZ_ZkZOZkZ[ZkZ_Zw k]k]{ g\g=5 5sF6g]F o|g]k} GRPTH FPTHAGWORF:Projecten:Troi FM Plug-In:Troi-Text-Plug-in1.0b1:Text Examples.fp3 Text Examples.fp3 FMP3FMP3 Troi-Text-Plug-in1.0b1 GWORF:Projecten:Troi FM Plug-In:Troi-Text-Plug-in1.0b1:Text Examples.fp3 MSPCA NAMEA Text Examples.fp3 RPTHA Text Examples.fp3 ZONEA Text Examples.fp3 FMP3FMP3 Troi-Text-Plug-in1.0b1 GWORF:Projecten:Troi FM Plug-In:Troi-Text-Plug-in1.0b1:Text Examples.fp3 \RPTH k]k]s o|g]{ k]k]w Nv_:5 g=g<_;w o\o}5 k=JW1 o\g{1 g=k]5 NvkZ2 s}g]k\ g=g